NPTE Cheatsheets

Practice Exams & NPTE-Style Practice Questions

simNPTE Practice Exams

225 Question exam | $49 for 1 | $99 for 2

Simulated full-length practice exams with all of the features of the real NPTE. Rationales and a feedback report is included to understand weak areas and guide your studying.

NPTE Practice Question Club

$129 - 1 Month | $249 - 3 Months

Netflix-inspired library of NPTE tips and tricks to improve test-taking skills. Workshops address overthinking, second-guessing, and more. Binge-able practice question walkthroughs and quizzes.

BIG 3 Practice Question Bootcamp (LIVE)

(Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, and Cardiopulmonary)

$75 per ticket

A 2.5-hour Zoom class for PTs who need to improve scores in the BIG 3 NPTE areas (MSK, Neuro, & Cardiopulmonary). This training includes practice question breakdowns, rationales, and test taking skill training all in a fast paced and fun bootcamp experience.

NPTE Exam Clinical Files Podcast

In each episode, Dr. Rice takes you through true clinical scenarios in the form of NPTE practice questions and provides a deeper understanding of the answers.

Explore the mission behind PT Hustle and why our program is a wise investment.

Still unsure which course is right for you? Compare the benefits of our three options.

Study Tools

Podcasts, eBooks, and free cheat sheets are just some of the NPTE tools we offer.

Get free NPTE coaching through our podcast, NPTE Clinical Files. Hosted by Dr. Rice.

Learn everything from the best ways to prepare for the NPTE to the value of our program.

Success stories from PT students who enrolled in our prep courses and passed the exam.

Still have questions? Get the answers you need about PT Hustle in our FAQ section.

Interested, but need more information? Fill out our contact form and we’ll get in touch.